RDAA is excited to bring you the FIRST EVER...



This calculator crunches the numbers on the Commonwealth financial supports available to rural doctors, and gives an estimate of the amounts you are eligible for according to your MMM area, style of work, advanced skill etc.


The calculator is free to use, but for security reasons we need you to log in to access it.


If you are an RDA member, please use your existing login details. If you are not currently a member (although, clearly you should be!!), please create an account to access. To do this, just click on the calculator button below and then follow the prompts to create an account.


Click here for the calculator


To head off any disappointment, at the moment State incentives are NOT included. RDAA developed this calculator at our own cost, for the benefit of all rural doctors, but the ability to include state incentives is beyond our resources at this time.  We are keen to do this, so as soon as possible, we will make it happen.


Want to see how it works?


Here is a demonstration video which runs through a couple of examples and explains some of the incentives included.